Saturday, July 17, 2010

Addicted to the fast life.

Well it's been months since I dropped by this page, long alcohol- filled months. It's past two in the morning and as expected, I'm writing this whatever thoughts you'd like to call it. Summer's long gone, it's been nearly two long months since school started, and yeah, I'm really a tourism student now.
Well I'm kinda' gettin' used already, or so I think, I still have those what-the-hell-am-I-doin'- here moments though. But still, I'm doin' good.
Last two months of summer were fun, crazy, random and the most unforgettable I think. I kind of reunited with old friends, and made them known to my new buddies. We had fun drinkin' every week, not almost, but EVERY single goddam week. We went out, partied like shit, and went to places so randomly unexpected that we did it almost every time.
We made it a point not to miss out and call such really insulting names to those who do. We've kept in touch and made our weekly reunion a routine. The only fun routine I've known my whole life.
Obviously, I'm here because we missed out on this saturday. Our first failed supposed-to-be reunion, again. Everybody's been busy on having their own issues that nobody came up today. But it's okay though, everyone needs a break sometime, and maybe this is ours. But after this, another season will start, lol. It's nice keeping in touch, it's like a weekly reward from this tiring , not to mention boring, redundant life. That's what others don't see, I still believe in that "All work and no play.." thing.
Even though life's drivin' you crazy from the weeks workload, give yourself the break you deserve, which for me comes weekly. Don't stress. Life's too short to fuss. XD

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