Thursday, March 12, 2015

Pulutan 101: Cheez-it Sushi. Why not?

Have you ever thought that mixing and matching things/food can be done in an extremely strange level? Well it can. 

While most of us are struggling into this tight economy we all have in our plate. Most of us won't give up having fun. That's when creativity walks in.  

My friends and I always drink. Well we do a lot then than now. But old ways eventually became a habit, a legend, a way of life that will be passed on to generations. Lol. One of this "legend" that will be passed on is our famous Cheez-it Sushi. 

I know some of you might already be shaking your head in disgust but believe me guys, this is the shit. When you're young, broke and adventurous, nothing really could go wrong. We love to eat and drink, so why not be creative to add up to the fun? 

All you need is a pack of Cheez it, the curved cheese snack 90's kids loved and still love up to now which is around  20php. Some cooked rice and whatever the hell you want to consider as toppings, and voila you have yourself one delicious sushi/pulutan. 

We have our personal favorite combo: cheez -it + rice + scrambled egg bits + canned tuna toppings = culinary innovation. Lol 

It might look/sound gross, but hell you've done worse things than that. And it's fun so why be a grinch, you should definitely give it a try. 

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