Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Stink in Summer

Ok so finally,we had our much long awaited " Super Awteng" haha. We went through just before the Holy week started. Unfortunately I didn't think we picked out the best private resort there is. We ended up at Champion Hot spring Resort at Pansol Laguna (I don't think the name suits itself afterwards ;]), since the holidays are just few nights away, it's really hard finding anything cheap and worth your money.
This one has 3 rooms with 3 beds each, there's also a videoke and a billiards table.

At first, we thought we striked out a great deal since most resorts offer their pools for 14-15k for a 24hrs stay, and like most of us out there, we're kind of running low on budget, so we just couldn't be happier when the caretaker offered this resort for only 12k for one whole day. We chose the 7pm-7pm sked.

So then, we arrived nearly at eight in the evening, thanks to the usual rush hour traffic jam, so it was great the place was cleaned up and poshed up for our stay, with only one exception, one of the room's aircon was jammed. And the weather is not helping. And with my amazing luck, we, my 9 friends and I ended up staying there.
So just not to ruin our night we just got dressed and went straight to the pool and tried to still enjoy ourselves.

We swam and drank like a fish all night long, though the pool area is quite dark, since the lights are only coming from the dining hall.The videoke's working great, finally one thing that's right that evening. One of my friends and I decided to stay up till next morning, since our room was so crammed up, and it's hot as hell anyway.
We ended up playing billiards, or what seemed like our own version of the game.haha

We waited for the caretaker to change the pool water or let it overflow a little, so the pool wouldn't smell like shit, that's what the others did when my family went to outings there at pansol too. But unfortunately, kuya didn't come. And then the others woke up and were looking forward to a summer morning swim, not knowing that they'll be about to dip into a something more like a stagnant pond.
So left with no choice, we still ended up swimming, for the sake of the blazing sun, we had to. I wouldn't lie, the water stinked big time. We were approximately thirty people tryin to fit in in the not-so-big-and-stinky pool.

And to make matters worse, kuya showed up late in the afternoon only to tell us that we had to leave the place at about 5pm, 2 hours early than the said time which was seven. They have to clean up daw for the next occupants, I dont think anyone else made a mistake of choosing this place, it was frankly the oldest resort there in the subdivision.

So despite the long and boring argument with kuya we were still forced to pack up early, we just ended up cam-whoring out on the streets. And for some reason we felt the urge to leave the place as messy as hell haha.

So then I just proved to myself that sometimes, or most of the time, you really have to pay up for great service.

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